
International Escort Dates

As an international escort companion, I am often available to travel in most locations around the world, so that I can be your courtesan wherever you want to meet me.

I can visit any country within Europe, but I particularly enjoy spending time in Italy. The food, the weather, the culture, and the beautiful cities and landscapes make Italy a perfect destination for me. So if you are thinking on inviting me to be your escort companion in Rome, Venice, Amalfi Coast or the Cinque Terre, or anywhere else in Italy, please send me an email and I would love to discuss it further with you.

Other countries of Europe I would enjoy very much to discover more of would be Spain, Portugal, the Dalmatian coast of Croatia or perhaps the Greek islands, particularly in the summer time.

I like to experience new places and broaden my horizons, so I hope you will choose me for your next international business or leisure trip.